We’ve got breaking news on bone broth product testing in the lab: Two brands of organic bone broth products we …
A few quick notes on bone broth testing as conducted by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center. As the executive director …
Because it’s important for consumers to understand the context of lab test results, I wanted to make sure the recent …
Popular Bone Broth Protein products sold by companies like Ancient Nutrition, Left Coast and PrecisionNaturals have been found to contain …
A long-time science propagandist for the GMO industry, Henry I. Miller has just been exposed as an academic prostitute for …
Blueberries are miraculous natural medicine. If they were prescription medications, they would be called a “miracle” health breakthrough and an …
A stunning new science paper authored by climate change alarmists and published in the science journal Nature Geoscience has just …
As the risk of nuclear war continues rising by the day, iodine myths abound on the internet. While iodine is …
As an independent scientist and lab science director of a globally accredited analytical laboratory (CWClabs.com), I’ve come to discover that …